Bridge void injection - Cornelis Ketelbrug
Case Study

Bridge Void Injection.

Here the team needed to do a void injection beneath two bridges in Gouda. You can read more about the details and how we managed this project below.

Cornelis Ketelbrug 16.10.24

A Tale of Two Bridges

The job site in Gouda was situated along the Karnemelksloot (which translates as buttermilk ditch!) beneath two small bridges. Due to the natural erosion of soil caused by the water, and additional pressure from the traffic on the roads above, multiple voids and cracks had begun to form.

In total a combined space of about 10m³ in volume had formed. Consequently Resins Industry was hired to fill the voids using our RG30 foam.

Why use RG30 foam for this void injection?

Benefil provides a variety of hardfoams for different requirements. However our hardfoam ‘RG30’ is a general level foam for filling of voids where a certain amount of structural strength is needed.

For more information on our products you can follow this link below!

Bridge foam injection - RG30 Foam

The Benefil Method

This case study is a straightforward example of our injection process.

Firstly we carefully removed stones and bollards to create an access point for the foaming gun and lance. The lance measures about 2-4m in length and is designed for injecting our foam into small voids.

Afterwards we injected foam into the voids from 18 separate filling points, 4 or 5 on both sides of each bridge. Once the foam is in place it rapidly hardens, continuing to strengthen over the following days.

Boat traffic in Gouda

Bridging the Gap - Overcoming Obstacles

Despite the job going smoothly access to the location was limited because of the one way road and constant traffic, both on and below the bridge.

Since we needed to inject foam on both sides of each bridge it became necessary to allow foot traffic, cars and boats to pass by during each transition. Even though our team is very efficient this particularly slowed down the process.

No access, no problem!

Due to the busy and narrow road we used our smallest truck, but we can also reach unique locations with our well equipped vans.

At Benefil we have several vehicles capable of delivering our products, you can learn more about them in our news article below.

Our New Vans
Gouda 16.10.24
Gouda 16.10.24
Bridge Void Injection - Gouda 16.10.24
Gouda 16.10.24
Gouda 16.10.24

What products did we use?

For this case study we used RG30 foam. However depending on your needs we provide a range of foams varying in density from medium to strong products.

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